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Here are some highlights of AI advances made in the month of June 2023 that I think are cool:

  1. Stanford Foundation Model Evaluation: The Stanford Center for Research on Foundation Models examined how current language and image-generation models would comply with the EU AI Act’s proposed regulatory rules. The Hugging Face’s BLOOM model ranked highest under their scoring system, with a score of 36 out of 48 total possible points​.
  2. Nvidia’s Neuralangelo: is a new AI model developed by Nvidia Research. This groundbreaking model uses neural networks for 3D reconstruction, transforming 2D video clips into detailed 3D structures. I made more detailed post about this recently.
  3. Training Dataset Value: There have been discussions about a “subscription-style fee” for using the content from news organizations to train generative AI models. The financial terms agreed upon in these negotiations could provide important benchmarks for valuing training data in other cases​.
  4. Section 230 and AI: There is an ongoing debate about whether Section 230, which provides a safe harbor for online content, should be extended to cover synthetic content generated by AI models. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Josh Hawley (R-MO) introduced a bill titled the “No Section 230 Immunity for AI Act”​.
  5. New Turing Test Proposal: Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder of DeepMind, proposed a new Turing test in which the AI receives a $100,000 seed investment and has to turn it into $1 million​.
  6. Economic Impact of Generative AI: According to a report by McKinsey, generative AI is projected to add between $2.6 trillion and $4.4 trillion in annual value to the global economy, impacting areas like customer operations, marketing and sales, software engineering, and R&D​.

  1. OpenAI App Store: OpenAI plans to launch an app store where developers can sell their AI models built on top of OpenAI’s models. This could help OpenAI expand the reach of its technology to a broader customer base​.
  2. Apple Vision Pro: Apple introduced an augmented reality headset, the Apple Vision Pro, which uses AI models to predict a user’s cognitive states while experiencing virtual reality scenarios​.
  3. MRI Imaging: The FDA cleared an AI Software that may lead to 30-Minute full-body MRI scans. The artificial intelligence (AI)-powered Ezra Flash reportedly enhances magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and enables significant reductions in scan times and costs for full-body MRI.
  4. Art Forms Created by AI: New forms of art were created with AI models, including city maps based on the emotional experiences of locals and sculptures made with suspended nanoparticles that interact with light​.

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